"check this out" (en avants into killwall)
:・゚✧・ SCH/GNB - Brynhildr・゚✧:・゚

Nyrick Lotheil (he/him)
25 (ARR) / 28 (EW)
14th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon
(aka March 14th)
Keeper of the Moon ☽
Nyrick Lotheil was born the oldest of 8 in the backwaters of the Black Shroud. He spent much of his youth accompanied by a tattered old carbuncle plushie that his mother would constantly have to resew. As he grew into his teens, he became the main source of income for his immediate family and began to take care of his siblings and parents. Shortly after an accident took his younger sister's life, he left home to figure out what his life meant.
As a young adult, he traveled as an archer making quick gil exterminating pests and assisting travelers. It wasn't until he made his way to Gridania and met the Scions that he picked up a lance and learned the ways of the dragoon. He spent much of his time with polearm in hand, yet knew he still hadn't found his true self. Soon after...
He picked up the gunblade and never looked back.

Not until after he defeated Hades had he realized his calling was to be the pillar of his teammates, the one to provide them strength and stability.
Mystified by the cartridge technology and aether manipulation, he felt as though the blade truly understood him and that he could communicate his deepest thoughts through the swing of his weapon.

Nyrick's desire to help heal the wounds of the sick stems from his childhood spent in Gridania. At night, he would look up at the stars and hope anyone would have a better life than what responsibilities were thrust upon him as a young teen. He wished to Althyk that the suffering he saw in the slums he could one day cleanse from peoples' lives.

♥ thancred ♥
Upon joining the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Nyrick and Thancred were cordial. They didn't spend much time around each other at first, but after a time Thancred would join Nyrick for a drink or two at the Rising Stones after particularly tiring missions. They bonded easily over liquor, taking comfort in finding easy silence between comrades. Soon after, they began bonding during missions, no longer afraid to approach the other (likely due to intimidation). They became fast friends, often sparring together and asking each other for battle advice. Nyrick would ask him about advice on lance repairs, even though he knew Thancred had no experience with polearms nor any insight on the craft. Thancred would get his opinion on a new set of daggers when his others became too dull.
After the events of ARR, Nyrick grew a newfound worry for his friend and his lengthy absence. He hadn't read much into the meaning of his anxious feelings at the time. As time stretched onward and Scions were slowly being recovered, Nyrick realized that the pit in his stomach was in fact a deep affection for the one they hadn't yet heard from.
Once Thancred reappeared after so much time, Nyrick admitted to himself that what he was feeling was some level of love. He didn't plan to tell Thancred of this, for it didn't much matter to him in the grander scheme of occurrences in Eorzea. He did his best to suppress his feelings, for he did not want to bog down Thancred with his personal issues. Once Thancred dropped cold and disappeared on him for a second time, he decided if he had the chance to speak to him again that all feelings are worth sharing with the ones you love. A part of him had left with Thancred when he was whisked away to the First.

quick facts
○ Nyrick is a connoisseur of flowers, his favorite being sunflowers
○ He has an impeccable singing voice, yet when prompted to sing will hide this fact by yodeling as ugly and aggressively as possible. Not many have heard his actual singing voice.
○ He has two adorable otter children (odder and abroader)
○ He is left handed and dyslexic
○ He is an extrovert, known for clowning around to get laughs from a group. This has gotten him kicked out of more than a few venues and bars (but inevitably made for great stories)